Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Attitude Check" (that's what my mom would've said when I was a teenager...it always made me roll my eyes)

Lately I've felt the need to change my attitude as a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). I have the BEST job in the world, but I want to do even more to contribute to the well-being of our family. To me, this means, less time on the computer (although, I'm still blogging and facebooking a lot ;), more coupon clipping, less excuses for why I shouldn't go to the gym & making it a priority to be in shape and healthy (I've finally gotten to where I really look forward to working out), more home-cooking (even though I LOOOOOVE to eat out), less tv time for me & Jaycoby and making it a priority to do quality activities together, and definitely more time in the Word. I feel like I will be a better mom and wife if I make sure to carry out all of these things with enthusiasm & discipline.
Discipline is a quality that I admire in a lot of people, but just don't seem to have a lot of on my own :). It is something I am working really hard at right now. I have created a test of my discipline and would appreciate your prayers during the process. I have set the goal of running a 1/2 marathon at the end of June and have designed a 17-week training plan to reach that goal. See mom and dad, that 4-year PE degree didn't totally go to waste...lol. It is going to be a lot of hard work, and take a lot of DISCIPLINE, but it is something I will not allow myself to back out of (and now I can't, since I've told all of you :). I've told myself that I must reach the goal of a 1/2 marathon before Mike and I can even consider thinking about getting pregnant. The timing of the half marathon will also be great, since it is at the beginning of summer and Mike and I have made lots of camping/hiking plans. I DO NOT like hiking, so I will need to be in good shape to make it more enjoyable.

Thanks in advance for all of your prayers and I will keep you all updated on my training process and my other goals as well. Accountability is what I need to keep me focused!

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