It's been a really rough week around our house. Here is the run down:
Sunday: Jaycoby came home from his dad's house and had a bit of a cough. We headed out for our routine Sunday night grocery trip and J only wanted to ride in the cart. The longer we were at the store, the more tired he seemed, so we rushed out quickly. By the time we got home, he was feverish (100+). We put him to bed with his humidifier and meds and were prepared for a long night. He woke up several times, but we were able to tag-team it.
Monday: Mandatory stay-at-home day. His energy was low, he was still pretty warm and he had zero appetite, but his cough was almost non-existent. His fever was manageable with Tylenol. By evening, he seemed mostly back to normal.
-I started to feel pretty crummy on Monday evening, so I went to bed early.
Tuesday: Another day at home. Jaycoby seemed to be on the upswing. I continued to give him Tylenol, but his temp never went above 99 after lunch.
-I was on a downward slope. My body was achey and I had a massive headache. By afternoon, I had parked it on the couch and didn't move the rest of the day.
-Mike took charge of Jaycoby and the rest of the household duties.
Wednesday: Mike and Jaycoby hung out all morning and Jaycoby seemed to be perfectly fine. Cabin fever was getting to all of us, so Grammie offered to take Jaycoby to lunch and shopping. It wasn't too far into their lunch date when Grammie noticed Jaycoby fading quickly. By the time she got back to her house, his temp had gone up to 101. She put him down for a nap and when he got up his temp was 103. When we got there to pick him up, it was 103+. Shoot! We thought we'd gotten past it. He went to bed again with the humidifier and boy did he need it. Poor kid sounded terrible once he was asleep. His stuffed nose and hoarse throat were making him snore really loud.
-I did not go to school and I was in bed until 1 p.m. I still felt crummy, but was much better after getting lots of rest.
-Mike was starting to feel achey and had a cough and cold symptoms kicking in.
Thursday: My turn to get up with Jaycoby! He was still really warm and his cough had come back, so I called the doctor (he'd had a fever for 72+ hours now). Jaycoby had insisted all week that we call the doctor. Maybe next time I'll listen :-). When we went to the doctor, they "diagnosed" him with pneumonia. Strike 1! Then we had to take him out to McMinnville :-(. I felt much better sending him to Mac with some good antibiotics and knowing that he was going to have a restful weekend with dad.
-I was starting to feel better. Now I just felt like I had a cold.
-Mike developed a fever that evening and was not feeling good at all. He had a terrible night of sleep and his cough was getting worse.
Friday: We got a good report from dad. Jaycoby told me on the phone that he was "not good", but his dad said he was taking it easy and seemed better. No fever.
-I thought I was going to crash on my way to school, but I could not afford to miss another day. I could not get my eyes to focus on the road. I almost pulled over, but managed to make it to school in one piece. I immediately took some Tylenol when I got there, because I was feeling feverish. This made me really nervous. But once the Tylenol kicked in, I felt better and better as the day went on. I had a bit of a stuffy nose, but all other signs were gone.
-Mike was not so lucky. He woke up feeling totally miserable and made an appointment with his doctor. They did chest x-rays, but there wasn't a radiologist to check the screening. The doctor's had conflicting opinions on whether or not it was pneumonia, but decided to treat it as such, just to be safe (Strike 2!). He was given some antibiotics.
Saturday: Jaycoby came home from dad's house a day early, because it's Easter weekend. He had another great day with dad and seems to be fever free. Yeah for antibiotics! He has a runny nose and a little bit of a cough, but we can handle that.
-My cold seems worse today, but I feel better (if that makes sense). I can handle a cold, but that achey/headache business is hard to get past. I do have a little bit of a cough now, which Mike has pointed out to me. I'm hoping a restful evening and vitamins will kick it.
-Mike had another rough day, since he didn't get a lot of sleep through the night. Thankfully he is able to have a little bit of an appetite, so I'm hopeful that he won't get too weak. He's been reading and resting all day. Fingers crossed, he'll be feeling a little better tomorrow.
1 comment:
Oh you poor things!! I hope you don't get it too. Please let me know if you need anything!
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