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Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Roth trip to Sunriver 2010
Mike playing poker with his parents.
Jaycoby enjoying a game of ladder golf.
Uncle Jeff's turn with story time.
Eli doing his thing.
The boys just chillin on the deck.
Ella after nap.
Jaycoby after nap.
The boys begged us to go in the hot tub all day. They went in every morning and every night.
Jaycoby loved the slide at the pool.
And he loved seeing how high Mike could throw him in the pool too.
1 comment:
it looks like you had fun! we were there last week :-).
September 15, 2010 at 4:33 PM
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Mike & Mindy
6-years old
22 months old
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1 comment:
it looks like you had fun! we were there last week :-).
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