Ella had her 2-month check-up today. She was relaxed the whole time (except for when she got poked, of course) and even took a little nap while waiting for the doctor to come in.
Her stats:
Height: 23 inches- 69%
(J was: 23 1/2 incehes- 75%)
Weight: 10 lbs 9.5 oz- 38%
(J was: 9 lbs. 10.5 oz.- 8%)
Head circumference: 39 cm- 55%
(J was: 50%)
So she is a smidge shorter and chubbier than her older brother was. And her head is slightly bigger as well....oh dear :)
Getting ready to get some shots :(

I told Jaycoby to sit on the bench and play with my phone. He opted to cover his eyes. He did NOT want to see Ella get poked, but he did great the entire time.
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