Since my last baby post, not much has changed. Ella still sleeps more in the day than she does at night, but she does pretty good at night too. She has had a couple of rough nights with a sore tummy, so it makes it more difficult to get her to sleep. Overall she does really well, but she's pretty inconistent. She will get up three times in the night and then just once, but at least we are getting some sleep here and there.
I've been pumping and giving her a bottle once a day so that we do have the option to leave her with a sitter when we need it. We even gave her some formula this week and she took that really well also. Mike has done a great job of helping me on the weekends, so that I can get a longer stretch of sleep. That wouldn't be possible if she hadn't taken the bottle, so I'm really grateful that she will take one.
I'm struggling to focus right now (typical "mommy of a newborn" brain), so I will just leave you with these pictures and will update with more details at another time. My friend, Elise, did a photo shoot of Ella at two weeks and they all turned out AMAZING. There are a few more that I didn't post, because you will get to see them on her birth announcement.

Oh Mindy, the pictures turned out gorgeous! I love the one of you kissing her forehead!
Oh my gosh those turned out so cute! I love them!!!
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