When we got home from the lodge, we decided that the nice weather just couldn't be wasted. Mike suggested going golfing (of course :) and we were excited to go along. Jaycoby LOVED it! He walked approximately four of the nine holes with Mike, which was extremely surprising, if you know our little Jaycoby-boy. He still thinks he needs to be carried everywhere and we are working on having a good attitude about being a big boy and having to walk on our own :). Jaycoby's job's included taking out the pin for Mike when he was putting, helping Mommy look for Mike's ball after he hit it and taking Mike his clubs. We're still working on some of the "golf lingo", but he was soaking it all in, for the most part. When I was explaining what "putting" was, Jaycoby corrected me and told me that it was "just called GOLF....not puttsing, mom". It will take some time, but it was a delight to see him enjoying Mike's favorite hobby.
A couple of hiccups on our trip:
1) We had rented a golf cart for Jaycoby and I to take around the course. Mike headed down to tee off, while I packed up Jaycoby in the cart. I'd put Jaycoby in the cart and then headed back to the truck for our sunscreen, when I heard the sound of gravel. Yup, that's right, Jaycoby had pushed the gas petal and was rolling off (quickly!) in the golf cart. I must've looked like a luney mom, running across the parking lot and chasing my little one in a golf cart, but I was able to catch it and get it stopped. You could tell that Jaycoby didn't know how to react....he didn't know if he should be scared or be more worried about if he was going to get in trouble or not ;). We assured him that everything was going to be okay, but that he was not to go anywhere near the petals again :).
2) We had stopped the cart and Jaycoby had gotten out to assist Mike in picking out his club. All of the sudden, Jaycoby let out this big scream and I knew what was happening. I shouted to Mike "Is the cart on his foot?". Sure enough, the cart had rolled backward onto Jaycoby's foot. I could tell what was happening, but didn't know if I should go forward or backward. I didn't want to make it worse. Mike quickly pulled his foot out and Jaycoby wasn't too phased by the ordeal. Mommy, on the other hand, it rethinking ever getting a golf cart with Jaycoby again :).

It had to be educational. Jaycoby got some lessons from Mike.

It had to be educational. Jaycoby got some lessons from Mike.
Performing his duty of removing the pin for Mike.
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