Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Running Update

Last week was a great week. I felt stronger every day and I was excited for each run. This week has been different. While I have only completed two runs, they have both been pathetic, if you asked me.
Sunday, I went for a jog on my Wallace Marine/Riverfront loop, with the goal of four miles. Keeping in mind that I'd switched my schedule around last week and I really should've been taking the day off, I decided to run four miles anyways. A mile into my run, I changed my mind to make it a 3 miler. Nothing really hurt, but I could feel my knee joints creeking with every stride and my shins had a minimal amount of strain as well. I didn't want to overdo it. On my way back to my car, Mike and Bailey passed me, so I joined them for an additional two mile walk (I didn't feel as wussy then after shaving a mile off of my run).
Monday was my day off and I was happy for it. I knew my body was aching for a recovery day, so I was happy to rest.
Tuesday morning I woke up feeling much better. I was glad I'd had Monday off, but wasn't as excited for my daily run as I had felt all of last week. OH WELL....gotta do it. So Jaycoby and I went to the Y in the afternoon and I headed up to the track. Oh my goodness, I think this was my hardest run yet. I was experiencing the same feelings as my Sunday run, but they were on the closer side of hurting than they had been before. I just kept stopping every half mile to stretch, hoping it would get easier, but it hardly did. I still never really hurt, but I could tell my body was tired after pushing myself so hard last week. It took a lot of mental energy to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I was going really slow (at least that's what it felt like), but I didn't care, I just wanted to complete my four miles. I was shocked to hear on my Nike+iPod that I'd run a PR during my 4 miler. Not sure how, but I wouldn't dare call Lance Armstrong a liar (at the end of my runs, my Nike+iPod gives me a summary of my run- distance, calories burned, pace, etc.....When you've run a personal best, a voice comes on saying "Hi, this is Lance Armstrong. Congratulations! You've just recorded a PR." It makes me laugh out loud every time, but it's always a good run when I get to hear from Lance. Reminds me that I'm pushing myself.).
This morning I woke up feeling good after a full night's sleep. I went to get out of bed and immediately collapsed to the floor. Apparently, my left leg had fallen asleep?!?!? Mike came out of the bathroom to find a puddle of Mindy on the floor. We were both laughing, because it was just ridiculous. Who just falls to the ground when they get out of bed? Eventually, he had to help me up, because I couldn't get myself off the ground. My left leg just wouldn't function. Here's hoping that was just because of bad circulation and not something that will affect my running.

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