Then we went to dinner with Mary & Jeff (Mike's sis & BIL) while Jaycoby got to spend the evening at "Baby Abby's" house. He was so excited to get to spend the evening with Deborah, Dan & Abby. He took off into their house when they opened the door and didn't look back (he's never even been there before). After dinner, we picked up Jaycoby and went and planted our garden. We got most of it done, before we had to head back to D & D's house to try some of the angel food cake that Jaycoby had helped Deborah with, while we were at dinner. He did an amazing job :).
On Sunday, we got to take Jaycoby to Grace Chapel with us, for the first time. We were a little late, so they'd already started worship when we walked in. Everyone stopped to turn and look at him walking in, which made him cling to me a little bit. But we assured the teacher that he should be fine and we left. We were both expecting to see his number flash up on the screen, but it never did. Yeah! When we went to pick him up, he was sitting at a table working on his project, next to SPIDERMAN! How cool is that? Spiderman was in his class :). Aside from the disappointment of his teacher spelling his name wrong on his craft (we were excited that he could recognize that), he kept talking about how fun church was. Then we met my family for lunch. My Aunt Janet & Uncle Paul are visiting from Denver, so it was fun seeing them and getting to celebrate with my mom. After lunch, we went out to Mike's parents house, to deliver Sue's mother's day gift. We had a good time visiting with his parents and enjoying the nice weather, before heading home to plant the rest of our garden. After we'd finished at the garden, we took Jaycoby over to the park and let him play for a bit. He mastered swinging on this handle and then getting back to the ladder. He felt pretty cool about his new stunt :). SIGH! Like I said, it was busy, but it was fun.

I feel so blessed to have spent the whole weekend with Mike and Jaycoby and to have had such a wonderful mother's day. Oh ya, I can't forget my gift! Jaycoby calls it a "squirter fing (thing)", but I finally got my KitchenAid. Props to the hubby for listening to what I want :)!
Mike insisted I test it out last night, so we made ourselves a batch of cookie dough. Yikes :)
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